Birth to Three photo

Helping Babies and Toddlers with Developmental Delays Thrive

Piper is an amazing little girl. At nearly two years old, she was tested for — and eventually diagnosed with — Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Her mother, Darian, remembers getting started with Catholic Charities West Virginia’s Birth to Three program (BTT) while they were waiting for Piper’s results.

Piper received speech, developmental, and occupational therapies. “Due to the long wait for her ASD evaluation, we were extremely excited to have Birth to Three come and start working with her in the meantime,” Darian stated. “These three women, along with the program in general, have been life-changing to us!”

“Birth to Three has very literally changed our entire lives. My daughter has a better quality of life because of it. We are thankful every day for this amazing program!” -Darian

“Now, my girl makes uninterrupted eye contact, she responds to ‘Piper’ and ‘Sis,’ she listens to simple commands, she says new words every week, she uses simple sign language, and most importantly, she interacts with other children!” Darian elaborated.

During the holiday season, our staff and an army of volunteers put on a truly impactful event for BTT families. Santa’s Silent Night is specially designed to include children with sensory issues in holiday traditions. Here’s what Piper’s mother loved about the event:

“I remember opening the [invitation] and immediately feeling so thankful. It hadn’t even crossed my mind about how difficult a mall trip to visit Santa would be. When we walked into Santa’s Silent Night, it was low-lit, quiet, and peaceful. I instantly burst into tears! I have never seen such a thoughtfully put-together event. We had the BEST time!“

West Virginia Birth to Three is a system of services and supports for children ages birth to three who have a delay in their development or may be at risk of developmental delay. Qualifying families receive professional services at no cost, regardless of income.

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