As Catholics and people of goodwill, our eyes are open. We strive to really see our brothers and sisters who are vulnerable. We constantly ask ourselves: “Is poverty acceptable?” And since the answer Jesus gave us is, “No”, we have to ask the next question: “What should we do about it?” Poverty is a complex issue. Society...
Category: Parish Social Ministry Updates
Respect Life Month
Each year, the U.S. Bishops set aside the month of October to honor all life. Being Pro-Life is definitely part of our Catholic identity. Although we face challenges from the perception that being pro-life means caring exclusively for unborn children, we can celebrate and spread the good news that we are called to love and care for...
Stories from SNAP Outreach – James
CCWVa SNAP Outreach program helps our neighbors apply for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (formerly food stamps). These benefits are modest, but can make a big difference in the lives of recipients. This is James’ story: James, is 36 year old and is married to Savannah who has an 8 year old child. Savannah and...
Stories from SNAP Outreach – Tim
CCWVa SNAP Outreach program helps our neighbors apply for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (formerly food stamps). These benefits are modest, but can make a big difference in the lives of recipients. This is Tim’s story: Tim lost his job 14 years ago and has had trouble keeping steady employment due to disabilities and a...
Are SNAP Recipients Employed?
There has long been a stigma associated with individuals who receive SNAP benefits that they are unwilling to work. According to a report released by the USDA in January 2017 titled, “Profile of SNAP Households”, this stigma is far from accurate. The study indicates that 123,212 households in West Virginia receive SNAP benefits. While 29%...
Stories from SNAP Outreach – Catrina & Joshua
CCWVa SNAP Outreach program helps our neighbors apply for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (formerly food stamps). These benefits are modest, but can make a big difference in the lives of recipients. This is Catrina and Joshua’s story: Catrina is a 22 year old mother of a 3 week old baby; her boyfriend Joshua works...
Stories from SNAP Outreach – Tina
CCWVa SNAP Outreach program helps our neighbors apply for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (formerly food stamps). These benefits are modest, but can make a big difference in the lives of recipients. This is Tina’s story: Tina is a grandmother who is raising her grandson who is terminally ill and not expected to live much longer. She...
Protecting SNAP is first on the agenda for Hunger Action Month
As part of Hunger Action Month, West Virginians are joining together to end hunger in communities across the state. Everyone has an important part to play in this fight – whether it’s donating food, volunteering at food pantries, or using social media to raise awareness about the ways that hunger holds back millions of Americans....
Caring for Creation: Why Us?
We’ve all heard talk about climate change. It’s an issue that has been in the news recently because of the U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Agreement. In fact, the U.S. Bishops and Catholic Charities USA have issued or signed on to statements affirming the value of the Paris Agreement, which aims to keep the global temperature...
Living Mercy in the Family
On Sunday, I had the pleasure of leading a discussion at All Saints Church in Bridgeport. We talked about what it means to “Live Mercy” in the context of our families. We also talked about how important it is to extend that mercy beyond our families and into the wider community. We are already doing/living...